Our mission is to manifest our God-giving greatness through Christ.  We place a high priority on providing a safe environment where kids can make friends while learning about God’s plan for their lives through a gospel-centered curriculum, adult-led group discipleship, and Christ-focused worship. 

Ministry Programming 

2024 Sunday School Year Programming 

11:00 am 

Pre-K & Kindergarten: Attend the worship service with their parents

1st-5th Grade:  Attend the worship service with their parents. 

11:45 am 

PreK & Kindergarten: Kids will participate in Community Groups using the Gospel Project Curriculum.

1st-5th Grades: Kids will participate in Community Groups using the Gospel Project Curriculum. 

12:30 pm 

Pre-K & Kindergarten: Snack Time. 

1st-5th Grade:  Snack Time.



Each week, we send recap pictures, summary, discussion questions and any updates for the week.  We also send a monthly newsletter.  If you are not receiving these emails and want to, please let us know so we can fix it! 

Resources Kids Bible Reading Plan:  CLICK HERE 

MC Kids on Instagram:  

MC KIDS Spotify Playlist: Playlist